Tag Archives: advice

Who Do You Want Watching You, “Big Brother” Or “Christ The King”

by: traditionalcatholicpriest.com

Before when communism was not popular in the United States, you would hear the saying that in Russia and China, “Big Brother” is watching you.  That meant that the communist government was spying and watching everything you did.  It is a lot like what is happening with our government collecting all our computer and cell phone information.

communism_doesn't_workAs we have gotten rid of obeying Christ The King’s laws; (Ten Commandments And The New Testament), we have to obey “Big Brother’s” laws.  Not too long ago the Ten Commandments were to some extent honored here in the United States.  There were real laws against using birth control, abortion and homosexual sex, (“sodomy laws”).  Now Big Brother and Big Sister (In the case of the mayor of Houston), are watching you if you go against the LGBT group or will not “marry” homosexual couples.  You are in trouble if you keep Christ the Kings laws.

ForGodandCountryJesus is God.  Jesus Created us.  Jesus died on the cross to redeem and save us from death and hell.  Jesus loves us infinitely more than “Big Brother and Big Sister”.

From Constantine till the Renaissance, Jesus Christ was King of the Roman Empire.  That is called Christendom.  God gives authority to popes who gave it to cardinals, bishops, abbesses, emperors, kings and queens.  The Catholic Church’s authority was respected and obeyed.  Popes, emperors and kings were obeyed.

christ-the-kingI will be the first to say that Christendom was never perfect.  There was all sorts of abuse of power and wealth by bad popes, cardinals, bishops, emperors, kings and queens (and everyone else).  Concupiscence, original sin, always wrecks things.  But that does not say that Christendom in itself is bad.  The evil is in the rulers and the people, not the power and legal system created by God.

800px-Carlow_Cathedral_St_Patrick_Preaching_to_the_Kings_2009_09_03Under Christendom, there were injustices and corruption.  There were unjust capital punishment and imprisonment.  But over all it was a very good way of enforcing God’s rules and governing and taking care of people.

You can criticize it all you want.  But that does not make you right.  Just look at the democratic government we have here in the United States.  There is corruption.  We pay enormous taxes to the government.  No one is happy with the Democrats or the Republicans.  Most people no longer vote because it is a sham.

Our government continues to do subversive military activity in many parts of the world.  We continue to fight a war in Iraq and Afghanistan.  It dictates to poor countries who need financial aid that they have to have abortions, birth control, condoms, and promote homosexuality in order to get finical help.

Under this democratic government and penal system, 2.3 million adults are in prison or jail, 4.8 million are on probation and another 7 million are under correctional supervision.  Is this good?  What is wrong with “Big Brother” (US Government)? Or little brother (the average citizen).

Under Christendom there was way fewer people incarcerated.

PFA89439No matter what you or I think.  God wants to be the boss and will be in the end.  He is honest, just, fair and loving.  I would rather have Him dictating my life than all these corrupt politicians.  And whether you like it or not, in the end, Christ the King will judge you and rule you at death.  Why not be subject to Him right now?

At this second in time I can do almost anything I want.  But eventually I will come before the “Judge”, The King, God.  Then He will have all the say.  Right now I can be rebellious against God’s rules, small or big.  But only for a short time.

José_Gil_de_Castro_isabel_portugalMost Catholics and people choose to disobey God’s rules in small or big ways.  But it always catches up with them someday.  It is like not paying a traffic ticket.  Eventually you will be caught and have to pay way more.  It is like smoking, eating too much, having sex before marriage, all this will have a lasting effect on you, sooner or later, and whether you like it or not.  I just talked with a woman who caught Herpes.  25 % of people in the USA have Herpes.  It is incurable.

All this has happened by kicking God’s rules out of government.  In HIs place we have put the “god MAN”.  We are in, God is out.  “It is my life, it is my body, and I will do with it what I want”.  No God, No interior peace.  Know God, Know interior peace.

To have Christendom like Jesus wants we need to:

  1. Acknowledge God as our King and totally obey Him and His laws.
  2. Be holy popes, cardinals, bishops, religious, priests, emperors, kings, queens, civic leaders, parents and children.
  3. Humbly obey God’s rules.
  4. Not be materialistic or put our treasures in this life, but in heaven.
  5. Be humble servants who serve rather than be served.
  6. Be transparent and totally honest.

If you want to obey Christ the King, you will be happier and will reign with Jesus for ever.  He is a humble loving King, only looking out for our good.  He wants to share His divine Kingship with all of us who love, trust and obey Him in this life.  We are so blessed to be traditional Catholics and to be working for the restoration of the Temporal Rule of Jesus Christ as King over Creation, the Catholic Church and all Governments.

Choose life

Why, are abortion mills called ‘planned parenthood. ‘Parenthood’, the state of being a mother or a father. Being the mother or father of a dead child I suppose. Abortion is wrong; it’s the killing of a precious life growing, developing inside of her/his mother. It’s not just murder it’s the murdering of you’re own child. If people say it is just a clump of cells, then why is it considered double homicide when a pregnant woman is killed? You know how people who think abortion is okay, call a baby in the mother’s womb a fetus? Well a fetus means ‘an unborn human baby’. A BABY!!!! Yes that little life is still developing, but, out of the womb humans are still developing! Abortion, feminists take it as a ‘woman’s right’ (so sick of those two words), nonetheless if we are going to take it as that. What about the little baby girl in you’re womb doesn’t she get any rights!!! Margaret Sanger (the lady  who started ‘planned parenthood’) Said” The most merciful thing a large family can do to one of its infant members, is to kill it”. Do you know how sick this woman is! Abortion isn’t getting rid of a problem; it’s getting rid of a life. Think about it; this generation is actually killing their own offspring.  Some women say “My body my choice”. I’m sorry but most bodies don’t have two heartbeats………… Once someone has an abortion one of those heartbeats stops-forever. Never again to beat, never again to enjoy this life GOD has given us. All those little children over 50 million will be in heaven with Our FATHER.

Listen if you are considering abortion please please please! Don’t!!!! It will be a HUGE mistake think of the baby inside you. YOU’RE baby. Who GOD already has a plan for….. This little boy or girl is you’re child. Please don’t let the baby go. 

May GOD bless you all! Our Blessed MOTHER please pray for us. Queen of Mercy please pray for us. Queen of Purity please pray for us. Queen of the Angels please pray for us. Queen of the Saints please pray for us. Queen Of The Martyrs Please pray for us. Queen of help please pray for us. Queen of Heaven and Earth please pray for us. Queen of all please pray for us. MOTHER OF OUR DIVINE LORD AND SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST, please pray for us.

Pro-life Vs. Pro-Choice

Pro-life Vs. Pro-Choice

Life starts at the moment of conception. Maybe some people don’t believe that, or
maybe they just don’t care, when they choose to abort that life. Abortion is a horrible action and needs to be stopped! They say it’s the woman’s choice whether to abort her baby or not, well, it shouldn’t be; it’s her choice whether to get pregnant. But it should NOT be her choice to take a precious life, a baby’s beating heart, to take that child’s chance to live away forever—
It is ironic that abortion has been legalized in the United States, yet, our Declaration of
Independence states, “that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are ‘Life’, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”—! And since the legalization of abortion in 1973, over 54 million unborn children have been killed, more than the entire population of Spain. That’s 1 baby every 20 seconds, and that’s a fact! Those children never got a chance to live! If an individual believes in pro-choice then consider this: what if your parents had chosen to abort you, you wouldn’t be here today, would you?
Many woman justify having an abortion by stating they are too young or lack the financial means to support a child. But there are many alternatives, one being adoption. Ultimately, many women abort a child for their own convenience. As Mother Teresa said, “It is a poverty to decide that a child must die so that you may live as you wish.” In the end, there are no reasons or excuses for taking a child’s life.
The truth is, almost every woman who decides to abort her child regrets it. In addition, every woman who decides not to, never regrets it. Because when someone brings a precious life into this world, there is nothing more beautiful than that! I promise once a mother sees her newborn’s face she will not regret having that child! You can ask any mother you know and they will tell you the same.
Overall abortion is a awful action and shouldn’t be legal. A woman who is pregnant shouldn’t be able to kill her child!I hope this will help pro-choice people to see and understand the importance of life and stopping abortion. So please all who read this consider; GOD our Creator is the only one who holds life and death in His hand’s. Help save lives and stop abortion!!!


St. Joseph Of Cupertino, September 18

Posted on September 18, 2014
Joseph CupertinoThis Joseph was born, of godly parents, at Cupertino, a small village of the diocecese of Nardo, between Brindisi and Otranto, (six miles from the coast of the Gulf of Tarento, upon the 17th day of June,) in the year of Redemption 1603. The love of God came to him early, and he passed his childhood and youth in great guilelessness and harmlessness. After recovering by the help of the Virgin Mother of God from a long and painful sickness which he bore very quietly, he gave himself altogether to godliness and self-improvement. God called him inwardly to higher things, and to give himself more utterly to His service, he determined in himself to join the “Seraphic” Order. After divers failures and changes, he obtained his wish among the Friars of the convent of “La Grotella.” He went first as a lay-brother, on account of his ignorance of letters, but God was pleased to allow him afterwards to be taken among the choir brethren. After taking his solemn vows he was ordained Priest, and then set before him to aim at a more perfect life. To this end (as far as in him lay) he thrust from him all earthly affections and all carnal things, even to such as seem almost needful for life. He tormented his body with haircloth, scourging, spiked chains, and every kind of hardship and affliction. He fed his spirit sweetly upon the constant exercise of holy prayer, and gazing upon the highest matters. And so it came to pass that the love of God, which had been enkindled in his heart from his earliest years, burnt forth day by day more strangely and openly.

The chief outcome of this love of God was the strong and marvellous trances whereinto he oftentimes fell. It was, nevertheless, strange to observe that after he had entirely lost his senses he could be called out of the trance by the mere order of his superiors. To be utterly obedient was one of his chief aims, and he was used to say that those who ruled him could lead him about like a blind man, and that it was better to die than not to obey. He so imitated the poverty of the Seraphic Patriarch (St. Francis), that when he was at the point of death, when the Friars use to dispose of anything they have, he was able to tell his Superior that he had absolutely nothing. Thus bearing about in his body the dying of the Lord Jesus, the life also of Jesus was made manifest in his body. When he saw that certain persons had committed a foul sin of uncleanness, there came from him a strong savour, a proof of that snowy and glorious purity which, in spite of the most hideous temptations whereby the unclean spirit wrestled long to darken it, he kept undefiled, partly by an iron bridling of his senses, partly by the stern punishments he inflicted upon his own body, and partly by the extraordinary protection of the pure Virgin Mary, whom he was used to call his own Mother, whom he honoured and worshipped as his most tender Mother in his very heart of hearts, and whom he was eager that all men should honour, because, as he said, if we have her protection, every good thing comes with it.

This eagerness on the part of the blessed Joseph was but one outcome from his love for his neighbours. So great was his zeal for souls, that he vehemently sought in all ways for the salvation of all. When he saw his neighbour in any trouble, whether it were poverty or sickness or any other affliction, his tenderness went out toward him, and he helped him as well as he could. They who reviled, and slandered, and insulted himself were not cut off from his love. He was used to welcome such with great long-suffering, meekness, and cheerfulness of countenance and he preserved the same constantly amid many hardships and changes when he was sent hither and thither by command of the Superiors of his Order, and of the Holy Inquisition. People and princes alike marvelled at the exceeding holiness of his life, and the spiritual gifts poured upon him from above, but he was so lowly, that he sincerely held himself to be chief among sinners, and earnestly besought God to take away from him the more showy of His gifts. Of men he entreated that after his death they would cast his body somewhere where his memory might soonest perish. But God, Who exalteth them of low degree, glorified His servant during life with the gifts of heavenly wisdom, of prophecy, of discerning the hidden thoughts of the heart, of healing, and of other spiritual gifts in marvellous abundance, gave him a precious death, and made the place of his rest glorious. He fell asleep in Jesus upon the very day and at the very place foretold by himself, that is, at Osimo, (between Ancona and Loretto, upon the 18 th day of September,) in the 61st year of his own age, and in that of salvation 1663. He was famous for miracles even after his death, and Benedict XIV. enrolled his name among those of the Blessed, and Clement XIII. among those of the Saints. Clement XIV., being himself a member of the same Order, extended the use of the Office and Mass in memory of him to the whole Church. Roman Breviary Trent 1910

I know It’s Hard

Hey there. I know it may be tough what you are going through. Maybe you’re scared? Confused? Just need someone to turn to.
Maybe you are considering your options? Abortion or giving birth. Both equally huge decisions. One; giving u the freedom and no responsibility. Two; letting you know the LOVE a mother has in her for her child. To watch that child play every night. Watching his/her surroundings. Laughing at everything imaginable. To hold that soft innocent child, and letting them fall asleep feeling safe and at home in your arms. To kiss their nose goodnight. Watch them as they grow up. Watch as they become like you!
You are their role model. They depend on you before birth and after. They depend on you forever. Maybe in different ways throughout their life, but they will ALWAYS depend on you to be there for them. Be their mother. Love them, cherish them, support them.
Please do not ask yourself; “What do I have to offer? I am no role model. I am a mess and disaster. This baby diserves better than this” Because that is NOT and could NEVER be true!
You, are amazing. And i am telling you the honest, whole heartedly truth.
Yes, people make mistakes. Yes, no ones perfect. But the baby- they didnt do anything wrong.
You are a beautiful, talented, loving, supportive woman- and any child would be LUCKY to have you as a mom!
Always remember that abortion may seem like a key to everything; but its really only putting a lock on a treasure!
Dont let that treasure go. Dont throw it away to never get it back. That treasure has a love in its heart so strong and deep for you; and that doesnt change. They LOVE you mom. They need you to support them, support their life!
Some may think, abortion is giving my child a better life, and myself a new start. A second chance.
But thats not true.
God is giving you a second chance, here and now, to raise your child! To prove to HIM and your son/daughter; that you are a great mother! A fantastic mother! The best mother to her kids. Hes giving you a chance to prove your love, and to make the right decision.
A mothers duty is to support her child through thick and thin, but is abortion supporting them? No! It is putting them down, not giving them a chance, a hope, a future.
And you may feel all alone in this. But you’re not. You have us, you have millions like you, you have God! And importantly, you have your precious child. They are there with you every step of the way!
They trust you. Love you. Dont take away that trust. Dont take away that love.
You guys will have a special bond that no other Mother and child could have! One that is special, unique, fun, and amazing!
One that you cant explain in words, but you can feel in your heart.
At one point, I told myself I didnt want kids. They are too much work, and I want to live my life free; doing what I want. But is living free, without ur precious child- truly living?
This mindset quickly changed when I had a very magnificent dream!
And I know, deep inside me; I had this dream for a reason.
I was inside a house, in front of a fire place. My husband (at which is a mystery) was somewhere inside, but I was not supposed to meet him yet in my dream. I picked up with both hands, the most Adorable! Precious! Cutest! Sweetest! Lovliest little baby I have ever seen. Just thinking about this moment truly makes me want to cry. Not cry because I am scared, or afraid. But cry because of what I felt in my dream. The baby had blond hair, a small round face, green eyes, and the cutest little ears that stuck out. And he was laughing, just laughing his beautiful heart out. He looked at me, in the eyes. The most soft, precious, innocent look you will ever see.
I smiled back at my baby. MY baby. Because I knew he was mine.
The thing that makes me want to cry is; honestly- unexplainable. Unimaginable. No words can describe.
The LOVE I felt for my son; was so much, its nothing you will have ever felt. I can promise you this!
Its a deer yearning for their protection, safety. To see them smile, to hear them laugh. To never want to let that precious child out of your arms.
The love in undying. It is forever. And it is so overwhelming- even I can not understand its power.
Its a love of another universe. Not earth. It is something much greater then that! Something only God and the Heavens could possibly understand.
My love for that child was unconditional. Was forever.
And that being said, there is no doubt in my mind- i am HAVING my child!
Because I may not know my husband yet, and I may have only met my child in a dream. But I know I have to have my child one day.
I know I am meant to be a mother!
I know what that love feels like.
And I know I will have him in my arms one day.
And you will have your beautiful baby in your arms as well.
And you will get to experience that Love! That feeling! A love so strong it hurts because there is so much, and its so powerful. You would do anything to feel this love. And you can have it!
All it takes is the right decision.

We will be there for you before and after! We will be there for you always! If you need to talk or vent please email: olivetree1998@gmail.com
And I promise to listen to everything! 🙂
You are beautiful! Dont forget that.
Have a great day~