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Life and death

Life and death



GOD started this earth with life. HE made man caretaker of earth. Man is the most important thing GOD created life! Is! There is nothing more beautiful than life and nothing more sad than death most especially death of the soul. Abortion kills the innocent and strengthens evil. Abortion is never the answer- GOD has given you a life a precious life kicking inside you and hiccuping : ) GOD will not give you anything or anyone you can’t handle-mentally or physically you may think your unstable but there’s always another choice, I know it will be hard to tell your parents if your not married and pregnant. But ask them if they want you to have an abortion why didn’t they have an aboriton? Have they not enjoyed rasing a precious child, and not want you to expericance the same?


Life is never a regret there will be regrets in life but letting life live isn’t one of them. Can you not imagine the joy of raising your child not only for thisa life but strengthing their soul/souls for the next!!! Helping your child make it to Heaven. Killing the inoccent is not a woman’s right. Woman’s rights as GOD intended is to be a teahcer for her children a mother. Like our Blessed Mother raised JESUS. I’m tired of hearing abortion is a woman’s right. It’s not our right to kill babies no matter if there ours. What is this world coming to if we kill our own! I’m not judging anyone who has had an aboriton what’s done is done and no one can take it back but GOD, HE can forgive you if you ask! And if you don’t belive in GOD consider this` if there is no GOD why do we have morals and I’m not talking about cussing and what not. But stealing? Why is it illegal to steal or kill or cheat on even a test in school, where GOD is nnot spoken of, because!!! GOD IS REAL! And in the back of everyones hearts minds and souls we know this if we didn’t we wouldn’t have laws or rights or anythng keeping us from sin! This country was founded and said to be ‘One nation under GOD’. But if we forget we are one nation under GOD we will be one nation gone Under.~ Ronald Regean.

A few seconds of relief is not worth forever of pain anguish and regret of taking a life. Having an abortion, wont it make you feel empty? There is a soul a heart a life inside of you counting on support from you. This child needs you if you are pregannt and reading this hold your stomach feel your child and let GOD’S precious gift live!

GOD bless you and your child : )
